Bouquet of Roses Card

Say it with flowers for someone special on their birthday by giving them this lovely bouquet of roses card.

Bouquet of Roses Card

What you will need to make this card:

  1. A6 pearl white card blank
  2. Light pink mulberry tissue paper
  3. Lilac pearlised card
  4. Pale pink miniature rosebuds
  5. Pink small full open roses
  6. Pastel pink mini round brads
  7. Happy Birthday peel off sticker – diamond purple
  8. Double sided sticky tape & sticky tape
  9. Sticky foam pads
  10. Craft knife, pencil, ruler & cutting mat

How to make:

Measure and cut out a 70mm x 80mm rectangle from the lilac pearlised card. Use your craft knife to make a small hole in each of the four corners of the rectangle and then push a pastel pink mini brad through each of the four holes bending the prongs back behind.

Arrange a few of the pink open roses and the pale pink miniature rosebuds into a small bunch and secure their stalks together with some sticky tape. We’ve used 4 roses and 5 rosebuds. Trim any long stems with scissors.

Measure and cut out a 75mm x 75mm square from the light pink mulberry tissue paper. Use a small piece of double sided sticky tape to attach the bunch of roses you just made to the mulberry tissue paper with a corner of the paper at the top of the flowers, wrap the tissue paper around the flower stalks and secure it at the front of the bouquet with another small piece of double sided sticky tape, trim off any excess paper from the bottom of the bouquet if necessary.

Use some double sided sticky tape to attach the bouquet at an angle to the lilac card rectangle and then stick the completed topper onto the top centre of the card blank with sticky foam pads.

Remove the ‘Happy Birthday’ wording from the diamond purple peel off backing sheet and stick the wording to the bottom of the card blank.

Card Idea by Janine